Nominee - Fiduciary

Chambersfield International Law firm > Nominee – Fiduciary

Professional Nominee and Fiduciary Services

What are the Benefits of a Company Formation in a favorable jurisdiction?

Through recognition of our fiduciary duty, as the highest standard of care owed to our clientele, at either equity or law, we provide a full package of nominee services always having our clients’ best interests as a priority.

Bearing in mind that domiciliation requirements vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, we, as a professional corporate service provider, offer a complete range of nominee services. Further to the minimum necessary requirements we are able to provide additional services in order to strengthen the ‘presence’ of the established company and thus minimise the possibility and risk of having the tax residency of the company successfully challenged by the tax authorities of the country of incorporation.

Upon successful completion of our initial due diligence review we undertake to act on behalf of our clients, as trustees or nominees as per our below capacities:

  • Provision of registered office.
  • Provision of registered agent.
  • Provision of nominee shareholders (whereby shares may be held by nominee companies or nominee individuals for the benefit of the ultimate beneficial shareholders aiming at preserving their anonymity. In order to safeguard the interests of the ultimate beneficial owners Trust Deeds are signed by and between the nominee shareholder and the beneficial shareholder)
  • Provision of nominee directors and other corporate officers to comply with the laws of the relevant jurisdiction.
  • Bank account signatories
  • Trustees in international trusts