Industrial relations and work council

Chambersfield International Law firm > Practice > Industrial relations and work council

Industrial relations and work council

At Chambersfield, we understand that the financial crisis has severely impacted the relationships between employers and employees. The cost-reduction measures implemented during this time often included employee reduction plans and procedures, which have endangered industrial relations. Moreover, the increasing aggressiveness of trade unions on multinational corporations has put further strain on these relationships.

To efficiently handle these challenges, you need experience, expertise, strategy, innovation, and decisiveness. These are precisely the qualities that you can find in the services provided by the expert legal teams at Chambersfield, who are globally located and specialized in diverse areas.

Our legal teams have extensive experience in guiding and advising our clients on a range of matters related to employer-employee relations. We can help with the drafting of applicable staff manuals for daily matters and provide diplomatic negotiations with work councils and trade unions. We can also initiate and maintain productive communications with local trade unions and authorities, as necessary, to serve your interests to the maximum and aggressively protect your rights.

We understand the internal mechanisms and applicable legal foundations of all European Works Council issues, which allows us to provide tailored solutions to meet your specific needs. Our legal teams function as “on the ground” experts, ensuring that you receive timely and effective advice and representation.

At Chambersfield, we take pride in our reputation as a reliable and trusted legal firm. We understand that the vitality of industrial relationships is essential for the success of your business, and we’re committed to helping you navigate these complex challenges. Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist your business.