Products and design

Products and design

At Chambersfield, our expert legal teams recognize the importance of developing ideas that lead to new and innovative products. That’s why we thoroughly examine the design process to ensure that our clients’ products are protected within the international market. By combining national and European law and procedures, we can achieve premier results and provide our clients with the highest level of design protection possible.

But our commitment to our clients doesn’t stop there. In addition to our legal expertise, our team of experts at Chambersfield also analyze and assess the styling, mechanical architecture, selected materials, and engineering of the product. This comprehensive approach helps us maximize the product’s appeal in targeted markets while staying within the parameters of the design law of the relevant jurisdiction.

At Chambersfield, we understand that protecting and promoting your product’s design is crucial to your success. That’s why we are committed to providing you with the legal and technical expertise you need to succeed in today’s competitive market. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you protect and promote your product’s design.